Banana Health Benefits - Diet 365


Banana are the one of the most great snack food. Banana are Extremely healthy and delicious. Banana great source of Potassium.

Some of the more surprising Banana Health Benefits,

Improve Digestion : 


Dietary Fiber has many Health Benefits, including Digestion. A medium Sized banana contains about 3 grams of Fiber.

Banana Contain two types of Fiber : 

  • Pectin.
  • Resistant Starch.

Healthy Heart : 


Potassium mineral is essential for healthy heart, especially blood pressure control. Banana are a great Dietary source of Potassium, potassium diet can help lower Blood Pressure.

Vitamin B-6 : 


Since B vitamins are commonly found in animal product but it is a surprise that Banana are an excellent source of vitamin B-6, also called Pyridoxine. Eat Banana because uses of Vitamin B-6 To grow new cells in your body.

Kidney Health : 


Potassium is control blood pressure and healthy Kidney Functions. Banana may be especially beneficial for maintaining healthy Kidneys.
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