5 Tips for Getting Your Diet Started on the Right Foot!

Start your diet on the right foot and watch the pounds melt away!

1 Plan Your Meals:  This should sound easy, but planning your meals also consists of thinking about your cravings and preferences as well as thinking about meals that will be easy for you to take to work or school. If you cook for your family, then it will help to pick out or create meals that are Dukan friendly, but can also easily have sides your family typically eats added to them. This way you are not creating separate meals, just adding a little something extra on the same plate for others. You should also plan on preparing simple snack foods like chicken/turkey strips or mini meatballs.

2 Create a Shopping List:   Do not only prepare to buy all the ingredients for the meals you planned. Create a list of quick and easy snack foods like chicken/tuna/salmon in a can or Greek yogurt. Your shopping list should also consist of herbal tea and/or coffee since water and skim milk are the only allowed beverages on this diet other than just water. When you reach PV there’s: cherry tomatoes, celery sticks, baby carrots, beets, turnips, cubed squash, roasted seaweed, rhubarb, etc.

3 Clean Out Your House:   Motivation and preparation go hand in hand. That being said, you need to get rid of the food items that may make your motivation falter. Try to give away any foodstuffs in your home that are not Dukan friendly or not easily avoidable – if this is not an option, at least try to make the non-Dukan friendly foods less accessible in your home. Therefore, you should also make the Dukan friendly foods more easily visible. For example, you can keep your proteins, veggies, and Dukan friendly condiments and spices at the front of the refrigerator and cupboards and keep all else far back (out of sight out of mind).

4 Create a Calendar:   There will be several special occasions and holidays coming up. Try to especially mark these days and have some meal planning ideas in mind ahead of time. Perhaps a high protein Thanksgiving and some Dukan friendly holiday treats for get-togethers or potlucks. There may also be occasions where you dine out – it will help to mark those dates as they come up and remind yourself to survey your options before going for either a Dukan friendly experience or to help minimize lapsing so that you can easily get back on track. This will help the diet feel less overwhelming and, therefore, easier to adhere to!

5 Prepare in Bulk:  Preparing meals daily can be overwhelming depending on the person and their lifestyle, but preparing meals in one day for the rest of the week can make the diet much easier to follow. There are some easy bulk items like burger patties, fish fillets, hardboiled eggs, meatballs, or even just ground meat. For the more intricate meals, they can be prepared a few days in advance as well. You can pack them into separate Tupperware for each day of the week. This will be great for back-to-school meal planning if you are either continuing your education or having children in school.

visit @ http://diet365.in/

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